Online Tournament
All City Theatre
Online Tournament
We are excited about hosting this online tournament featuring Short Film, Original Monologue, Reader’s Theatre & Costume Design events! We will be posting the Welcome Video and Quarter-Final breaks on Tuesday the 9th, the Special Interview and Semi-Finals on Wednesday the 10th, The Finals on Thursday the 12th and the Award Ceremony on Friday the 13th. Videos will be posted below.
on February

We would like to welcome everyone to our first All City Theatre Tournament. Thank you to everyone who partcipated and made this tournament a sucess. We believe each student is unique and they have the potential in themselves to be world-changers.
At All City Theatre, we believe every student has a unique talent and gift to share with the world. We had the privilege to sit down with a 12-yr old entrepreneur named Bailey C. Moore. He is an author, a motivational speaker, and an inspiration to those around him. Watch the video to see how Bailey changes the world around him.